7 Tips on How to Compose a College Research Paper

When you enter college, you are undoubtedly going to have to write at least one major research paper that is more pages than you could ever fathom writing. Until that major paper hits you are going to have to write countless other research papers of smaller sizes. Regardless of the size of the research paper, you have to write, there are tips that will help you endure the process and get your research paper done properly and on time.

Here are seven tips designed to help any college student have an easier time composing any of their required college research papers.

  • Determine your instructor’s expectation – If you are new to a class the first thing you want to do when given a college research paper is to read over the instructions. Look for words that spell out what the instructor wants. Look for words such as compare, analyze, evaluate, and describe. If after reading the assignment instructions multiple times you are still confused, consult with your instructor to clarify what he/she wants from you.
  • Plan – Success with research paper starts with time management. Locate the due date and then set a plan. Establish how much time you will devote to each step in the research paper process. If you have six weeks, do not wait until four weeks have passed before you start doing your research, you will find yourself incredibly overwhelmed for the two weeks until the paper is due.
  • Choose a Topic – Choosing a topic is key. You want to select a topic that is broad enough you will find the necessary resources, but not so broad your paper has no focus. Ensure your topic is one that will allow you to develop your thesis successfully.
  • Thesis Statement – Your required thesis statement is the basis for your paper. You want a strong thesis statement that you will be able to support throughout your paper. Sometimes in the process of doing research, your thesis may change. Your final thesis statement can change so long as your paper supports it fully.
  • Research – With your topic chosen and your thesis statement written the next step is research. Doing research is one of the most time consuming aspects to a research paper. Try to use more than one reliable, or academic, source to support your thesis. Furthermore, ensure that you use current resources that have relevant data. Writing a research paper where your facts are no longer valid will make for a weak and inaccurate research paper.
  • Outline & First Draft – After collecting and organizing, all of your research notes and information write an outline. This will help keep your paper and the information you have collected organized. The next step is to start writing your first draft. Allow yourself plenty of time to write your first draft before the paper is due; this also allows for additional research and changes to your research paper.
  • Proofread – The last, and most important part to your research paper is proofreading. Once you have completed your paper and feel confident in it put it away for a day or two then go back and read it over with fresh eyes. Look for any grammar and spelling mistakes. Verify the paper flows smoothly and all your transitions are correct.

By following the above tips, writing a research paper will be a lot less stressful than it may have been otherwise.